乾燥血液スポット(Dried Blood Spot;DBS)は、例えば指先の穿刺によって血液を採取、乾燥させることで、アスリートへの侵襲性を減らし、これまで諸々の制約があった検体搬送や保管の簡便化が図れる技術です。今回、JADAは、DBSの開発と実践導入に向けての協働について、WADAと覚書を締結しました。JADA以外にも6団体がそれぞれWADAと覚書を締結しています。
Dried blood spot (DBS) testing is a new method of sampling where blood sample are blotted and dried on filter paper. The sampling can be lower invasive for athletes and dried samples can easily be shipped and stored. WADA and JADA signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the development and implementation of DBS testing.
We promote this project with an objective of developing DBS testing for routine implementation in time for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing. An additional objective is to consider what aspects of DBS testing could potentially be implemented for the 2020 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo.