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JADA x SEA RADO Signed the MOU to enhance the anti-doping activities


At the "2014 International Anti-Doping Seminar in Asia" held in Tokyo, Japan, 27-28 January 2014, it was announced that the Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA) and the Southeast Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization (SEA RADO) signed the MOU on 28th January 2014.

It is aimed to extend the existing collaboration and cooperation in assisting member countries in the Southeast Asian region in the areas of anti-doping policy, education and capacity building.

The purpose of this MOU is to establish a framework for co-operation between Japan and the Southeast Asian countries in the area of anti-doping.

Understanding the signed MOU benefits the area as a whole, it is expected to have a regular exchange of ideas and staff as part of capacity building and in the promotion and implementation of various anti-doping activities.